I saw Heaven today and I want to share this amazing experience I had with you. Please read the entire post.
It's a stormy afternoon today with pelting rain and severe wind gusts. I lit some candles, set my blanket in the middle of the room, and crossed my legs. I turned on a new meditation playlist, just instruments, to assist me in connecting with the Spirit world as I often do.
I put my headphones on, closed my eyes, and got comfortable. Focusing on my breathing, I began to tune out the outside world and tune into myself and my own internal energy. After a few minutes, I began to slip into my usual open and receptive state, comparable and similar to a dream. As the music continued to build, I saw in my mind’s eye that I was now floating in outer space. I was looking down at our planet Earth in the vast darkness of the universe; it looked small. On the horizon, I watched as the sun spun around and started to rise over Earth. It was so beautiful. Our blue and green planet was wrapped in the warmth and light of the Sun.
A deep feeling of love, admiration, and appreciation for this planet and all it gives washed over me, and tears began to fall from my eyes. The warmth of love filled my chest and heart space as I continued floating in space watching the sun rise over North America.
All of a sudden, I was pulled from my outlook of the Earth and down onto the ground. I was now sitting on an empty beach, watching this same sunrise from a different vantage point. As I sat in the soft sand overlooking the massive ocean before me, the sun started to rise over the horizon. Colors of yellow, orange, and red filled the sky. I allowed the emotion of appreciation and gratitude to wash over me once more for the beautiful planet that we live on. I continued to sit on this beach for several minutes.
No thoughts came to me as I listened to the waves crashing on the shore and the brightness of the sunrise lighting up my eyes.
As I sat there, I noticed a dark shape and movement on my right. I looked over and saw Sam, our beloved family dog who passed two years ago this holiday season. She was so full of life, her eyes were glistening, she was racing around in the sand, smiling with her mouth wide open panting. I began to cry harder.
Tears filled my eyes and rushed over my face onto my sweater. My closed eyes were not able to contain them any longer because I realized that I was seeing Heaven.
Sam ran up to me sitting on the beach. I could now feel the heat of her presence physically on my own body. I felt her touch my arm as she sat down next to me, looking up at me with pure love and joy. She wagged her tail as I reached down and pet her fur. So realistic. I could feel her wiry hair and wet nose. It was so real I began to cry harder and weep, not out of sadness, but out of love for her, seeing her so happy on this beach as a Spirit in Heaven.
I noticed that our very first family dog, Penny, who passed away in the early 2000s, was also now on the beach with us. I sat and stared at them both, running and playing together, my heart now exploding with love as I realized this was a visitation. I stayed in this moment as long as I could, allowing the sunrise to warm my face, tears continuing to stream down my face.
I sat in this beautiful visitation for several minutes. I told my dogs I loved them and every so often they stopped running to allow me to pet them, feeling their heartbeats, breathing, and fur once again, as if they were still alive.
I said thank you to them for coming to visit me.
As I opened my eyes from this meditation to the room I was in, tears streamed down my face as I looked out the windows to the stormy afternoon. What a gift it is to be able to have these magical spiritual experiences and connect with loved ones on the other side, human and animal alike.
I turned off my music, removed my headphones, gathered myself, and checked the clock. The entire experience lasted over 30 minutes, and I'm so grateful to have spent that time with my beloved pet souls on the other side.
If you would like to connect and try this out for yourself, sit in a quiet space with NO distractions, alone, put music on, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Naturally allow the scenes to come to your mind, don't try to control it, just let them come.
Here is the exact playlist I listened to for this meditation and visitation to Heaven
I am reminded that our loved ones on the other side are never far away.
This life is physical - the next life is not.
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Much love,
#signs #messagesfromheaven #spirits #heaven #holidays #signsfromheaven #messagesfrombeyond #spiritualjourney