When someone we know or love dies, we feel lost, uncertain, and lonely. The connection that we were used to is now gone - but not gone forever. We just need to relearn and understand how to continue to communicate. Think of this as learning a new language. You can still communicate with someone who speaks a different language - you just need to learn the Language of Spirit.
Connecting is easier than you may expect. As humans are already spiritual beings... All you need to do is tap into that part of yourself to access the connection and relationship that you seek with the other side.
#1 Connecting with the Sky. As I write this post, I am sitting outside on my patio. The sun is shining as I watch the clouds pass by below a bright blue sky. Take a moment and look at the sky, really look at it - not through your eyes, but through the language of emotion. How does it make you feel? Do you believe your loved ones are up there in Heaven? I do, I KNOW they are. Up there in the sky, past the fluffy clouds and into the expansive energy and magic of the universe that is our spiritual home. Take quiet time to sit and connect with that deep, cellular energy knowing there's so much out there we have yet to understand yet. When I feel like I need some connection with my loved ones, I turn to the sky. I talk to them, I think of them, I open my heart to receive the love and connection that I feel in that moment. It's healing. Something shifts in my body and my awareness expands. It makes you realize just how small we really are, and how big the other side really is. For an extra powerful spiritual connection, look at the sky on a clear night, filled with stars, flickering lights of distant planets, and the moon. Now that really makes me emotional. We come from the sky, we will return to the sky.
#2 Connecting with their energy using objects. When we pass, we leave behind an entire life, often a house, a lot of clothing, photos, jewelry, etc. The most common way that my clients tell me they connect with their loved ones in spirit is actually through the possessions that they leave behind. This is because our "stuff" keeps our energetic footprint. It actually holds onto the vibration of our energy, some would describe this as their essence. "That dress was SO my mom, covered in flower patterns, it still smells of her perfume". Holding onto some of our passed loved ones I think is very normal, and helps us through the grief process. I have had clients who keep their loved ones' ashes very close to them, or drive around town with mementos of their loved ones hanging from the rearview mirror. If you want to connect to loved ones through objects, simply be in the presence, wear, or hold the object. When you do this, your emotions stir up and your imagination kicks in to play you memories of your loved one, it's an instant connection and reminder of their energy, in physical form. If an object helps you through your grief, and makes you feel connected to your loved ones, it's for no one else to judge. That is your own personal journey.
#3 Connecting through Meditation. My favourite way I connect with my spirit team, my loved ones in spirit, the energy of the universe, or a higher power, is by sitting in stillness and sitting in reverence. This may look different for you if you are currently in active and deep grief and that's okay. Sit in silence, open your heart, and let those emotions flow. Sometimes the tears come, sometimes the anger comes, take this time to speak to your loved ones, or pray if that's your thing. Meditation is all about moving our awareness to allow other high power insight and connection to be able to find us. Deep breaths, no expectations for anything, just sitting, being content to sit, and allowing whatever comes up to flow freely are the foundations of this exercise. I do this exercise when I really feel stuck or need a deep emotional release, as oftentimes in silence, our bodies and brains have the opportunity to really move through some things. This is how I personally heal and move through my grief. I create a safe space with my spirit team, the universe and god, and you can do this too. Try this in the evening time or early nighttime, as I find the global energy is more quiet, and your body can relax more into the exercise. Close your eyes and see what happens.
These are just 3 examples of ways to connect with the other side, there are many, many others, each unique to the person. Let me know how you connect with your loved ones in Spirit.
This life is Physical - The next life is Not.
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Talk soon!
Much love,